Thursday 3 November 2011

Environment/Interior Model

I wanted to do an environment just to show on my show reel that i don't just do characters. I did also consider a vehicle but it turns out they definitely aren't my thing. 

For my environment I wanted to do something that I could go back to for reference and even create my own textures to make it look exactly the same if not better. 

I decided to use my parents Conservatory as it involved both interior modelling and lighting as well as exterior which would be the garden, it also gave me a lot of challenges with the multiple windows which I liked.

This is one of the millions of photographs I have taken of the conservatory and the garden. I liked this view as it's kind of framed by the doorway, the candle and the plant.

 This is a painting I did of the view to get my head around where everything was placed. When I model this I will have all the blinds up so that the garden can be seen as behind these windows is a fence with lots of plants and flowers growing up it.

I am going to model this very realistically however i will make a few changes as I think the garden as it is would make for a boring model, I've also decided to cut out the washing line.

To add some extra life to my model I am going to have a flame on the candle and possibly have the TV and the ceiling fan on.

Character Concept - Murphy and Dan

This is a model I have been wanting to do for a while, it's of my boyfriend Dan and our dog Murphy. I have so many drawings of Dan but the one below is my favourite and so I decided to use that to create some concept work for a model.

This is the concept I came up with it's very simple, cute and colourful.

Here are the T-Poses I created for use as Image planes, some of them need tweaking as they don't match up exactly.

Character Concept - Wilberforce

This is Wilberforce! I created this character after finding the name on a computer game and it instantly made me think of this cute little geeky lad. I also wanted to create something fun and not so realistic in Maya.

I am also considering giving him a 2nd personality which is a superhero called Wilberforce and the small boy would simply be Wilber.

Character Concept - Female

This is a 40's/50's style female character that I will eventually model in Maya and animate slightly for my show reel. For the final product I am hoping to add in some smoky effects from her cigarette.

This model will be created in Maya and Zbrush and will be as realistic as possible. I wanted to create a 50's style model to avoid making a common "Page 3" style character that appears in so many games and films nowadays. I have also decided to make her slightly fatter in Model form as her waist is incredibly thin.